Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bad blogger...

Hi friends.. I've been a bad blogger.

But, we've made our move.. as of one.5 weeks ago! yay. We're here.. and as for me, I LOVE it.

I am SO glad we're in the midwest again.. enjoying that crisp air that accompanies autumn!

I'm still using J's borrowed laptop til our home pc is fixed- which unfortunately means no pictures for now. :(

As for our home and social life, we're up and running! MIL Julie has already paid us a visit and we've found some great and fun kiddo classes/activities for our 'BIG GIRL' Liids who is growing up SO fast, I can hardly believe my eyes! Stay tuned for updates! S

Monday, September 10, 2007

Packin up!

Wednesday nite is the last one we'll be spending on Rexford Drive in Beverly Hills.. then we'll visit Renee, Brett, and Peter in PHX... then onto our new home in Madison, WI on the 17th! Here's a picture of Elida packin up!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ellen and Elida in McCall Idaho...good times!

Renee and Shelley & cousins too!

Yep- both preggers and 2.5 weeks apart! She goes first, but my outfit isn't as flattering! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The update(s)...

Soon to be living in a semi-northern town! Woo-hoo! We're thrilled to announce that we're moving to Madison, WI! Yay! Our current apartment in Beverly Hills is torn apart and HOT. We're SO ready to be out of here... we can't even be at home mid-day..and we've got packing to do!

This move will be much easier than our last one (out here) bcs I'll only be around 26 weeks pregnant (some of you might remember that we moved here at 36 weeks) and we're not moving our own stuff this time!

Elida continues to be oh-so cute! She's a real trooper with a busy house and enjoys un-packing boxes while mom and dad diligently pack them.

I have to give props to Jason - he's not letting me do much packing this time.. I appreciate that more than he might know!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Thanks Sister Kristi!

We're stealing these photos from Kristi's blog bcs they are so cute (and I can't get my camera to work right.)... these are from our trip to McCall Idaho- a great time was had by all and I didn't want to leave!

Elida and her cousin Ellen really had a good time together and it made my heart sing! :)