I'm posting to this blog on Shelley's behalf ("I" being Jason, that is)... Anyway, the big news is that there is a (big) new baby in our little family: Ruby Paula was born yesterday (Wednesday 12 December at 1:31 p.m.) at 9 pounds, 5 ounces and 21 inches all told. Ruby because we liked the name and Paula after her grand-dad, Paul.

Anyway, here's the latest (Shelley-selected) pics. Shelley will update you all as time and energy allow, but both mom and baby are well and getting better every day.

Yay!!! Congrats--what a beautiful little gem you have :) Welcome to the world, Ruby!!!
Happy Birthday, Ruby!
Oh my goodness, she is so adorable and absolutely beautiful!! I can't believe how big she is, and seeing her in Elida's arms (so cute, by the way) makes her look even bigger. ;p Congratulations and many happy blessings to you all!
Special hug to Elida - congratulations! You're now a big sister! :) Have lots of fun with your baby sis, and be sure to teach her to dance to the hokey pokey as well as you do. ;)
Hugs & kisses,
Melanie, Henrique & Jonah
Good morning, Nerothin Family!
I just showed Jonah the pictures, and he was very quick to point out Ruby: "baby!" "baby!"
When he saw Elida, he got all shy and silly. He then kissed and hugged the laptop screen - giving Elida and Ruby a hug and kiss, of course. ;p Too cute!
Hope you all are doing well. Are you home yet, Shelley?
oxox Mel
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