Well, here we are.. time for my favorite holiday again. For some reason the speckled eggs get me everytime and I end up purchasing more home decor in this season than any other. The chocolate brown and pastel combo catches my heart after a long winter.
I've been SO Blessed in the past handful of years, since knowing Jason that I've also gained a great amount of respect for the Holy week as we know it. The traditions, the history, the SIGNIFICANCE. I don't care to make the egg-connection, and I"ll do it for my kids, but the main components of Easter are so great. So very very great.
We've got several church services to attend this week.. which began last Sunday with Palm Sunday. I love the call to be there. I love the ceremoniousness of it all. As a child we never attended these week-day service, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. Now, we always do. Now as a grown woman I can finally understand what they mean and there isn't any way I would not go! I won't get into considering how much the Lord has done for us, but... it's so much more than just a driving force to sit in a building with other Christians. THis week my heart is heavy bcs of the sacrifices that were made by one Glorious man. Jesus. And I thank my husband for leading me to knowing this. ...without him I might still be stuck in the Easter aisles of Target deciding on the egg wreath or the bunny welcome sign. Seems all too shallow now.
Happy Easter.
6 days ago
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